BeaconZone™ Consulting

Case study - Where You At


Where You At Ltd provide indoor mapping and friend finding in busy venues such as nightclubs. Where You At wanted to fine tune their system to ensure the best accuracy while at the same time keeping it scalable to tens of thousands of users at one venue.


BeaconZone worked with Where You At to fully understand and assess the current solution. On-site consultancy was also provided to assess a challenging site and measure beacon performance.

Advice included optimal beacon settings, placement, expected optimum accuracy and suggestions for future architectural improvements to hardware and software. 


Consultancy imparted knowledge to explain the limits and nuances of using beacons and Bluetooth. It enabled Where You At to make the most of their current system and also provided a path to future improvements.


We are specialists in Bluetooth® LE solutions. We offer self-help information, beacon products and complete solutions to companies and organisations. Our UK limited company has been in business over 25 years. In our web store you will find the World's largest selection of beacons.


BeaconZone Ltd
27 Old Gloucester Street
United Kingdom

Please note we only supply business to business (B2B)